St Edmund's

Drama Scholarship | Year 7 | 11+

Drama Scholarship | year 7 | 11+

With its excellent pupil to staff ratio, St Edmund’s School can guarantee its Scholars the personal and professional attention that their talents deserve.

The highly prized title of ‘Scholar’ exemplifies pupils who contribute to the whole of school life but will take advantage of the many extension opportunities to develop their academic abilities. Our specialist, dedicated teachers nurture this enthusiasm, inspiring pupils to reach greater heights.

St Edmund’s School has an enviable reputation for its Drama and is proud of its 400-seat theatre with one of the largest school stages in the South East. The Director of Drama worked as a professional actor and director for over 25 years, and his Deputy spent 15 years at the Royal Academic of Dramatic Arts working with professional actors. This experience has proved invaluable when teaching in the classroom or directing the many ground breaking productions that have come to characterise Drama at St Edmund’s. 

In recent years, these have included A Chorus Line, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Animal Farm, Time and the Conways, a whole school production of Oliver, and the groundbreaking Chicago. 

There are many opportunities to see professional productions, locally and in London’s West End, as well as annual trips abroad. The Department visits New York and LA to see Broadway productions and to partake in workshops with cast members. 


Assessments will take place the week commencing Monday 22 January 2024

Closing date for entries: Friday 5th January 2024



    Awards are open to candidates entering Junior School at 11+ (Year 7), or Senior School at 13+ (Year 9) or 16+ (Year 12). External candidates will be expected to sit the appropriate academic entry tests.  

    The auditions and interviews will take place in the week commencing Monday 22 January 2024 for 11+  

    The Head Teacher of the candidate’s present school will be asked to provide a report on the candidate’s general progress and academic ability, as well as dramatic ability. Candidates must supply their dramatic curriculum vitae with their application.  

    The Scholarship audition will be in three parts:   

    1. Prepared monologue (maximum 2 minutes) of the candidate’s own choice.   
    2. Theatre workshop.    
    3. Interviews with the Head or a member of the Senior Leadership Team and the Director of Drama.  

      Singing and Dance may be offered as additional components of the audition.  

      Entries should be submitted by Friday 6th January 2023. Late entries may not be accepted. 

      A timetable for the examination will be issued to all candidates.  



      Essential Desirable
      Candidates must be able to demonstrate exceptional performance ability. This includes skillful interpretation of their monologue and a good grasp of theatrical technique- vocal and physicality. The candidates drama CV demonstrates a history of commitment to drama and evidence of performing regularly.
      Candidates should also demonstrate excellent spontaneous ability for improvisation and devising activities The ability to offer singing or dance in addition to acting as a discipline.
      Candidates at 13+ and 16+ must be able to demonstrate exceptional performance ability. This includes skillful interpretation of their monologue and a good grasp of theatrical technique- vocal and physicality. The ability to demonstrate directional skills when working on text and devising.
      Candidates must also demonstrate excellent spontaneous ability for improvisation and devising activities. Participation in outside productions such as National Youth Theatre.


      Scholarship Examinations, scheduled for w/c Monday 22 January 2024, will take place at St Edmund’s School. Lunch will be provided for candidates.


      Awards of varying value, offset against the tuition fees for both day and boarding pupils, are awarded in the categories of Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport. Where fees are still prohibitively expensive, annually means-tested bursaries can be awarded to supplement a scholarship.


      Dates for other Scholarships 2023

      Junior School Awards Closing Date for Applications Assessment/Exam
      Academic at 11+ Fri 5 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Drama at 11+ Fri 5 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Music at 11 + Fri 5 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Sport at 11+ Fri 5 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024


      Senior School Awards Closing Date for Applications Assessment/Exam
      Academic at 13+ and 16+ Wed 3 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Art at 13+ and 16+ Wed 3 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Drama at 13+ and 16+ Wed 3 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Music* at 13+ and 16+ Wed 3 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024
      Sport at 13+ and 16+ Wed 3 January 2024 Week commencing Mon 22 January 2024

      * including 13+ and 16+ Choral Exhibition auditions

      Bursaries & other fee remissions

      Originally founded to provide a free education for the fatherless sons of the clergy of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, St Edmund’s now accepts applications from sons and daughters of the clergy, to whom a 25% discount is offered.

      A discount of 25% may be offered to employees of the Dean & Chapter at Canterbury Cathedral.

      Bursaries are granted on a means-tested basis to existing St Edmund’s families who experience hardship, and there is a limited means-tested bursary provision for families who are new to St Edmund’s.

      Children of former pupils may be entitled to a tuition fee concession up to a maximum of 10% . If other remissions (eg scholarship award, bursary), equate to 10% or more then no further discount will be awarded.

      Members of the Armed Forces receive a remission resulting in 10% of the boarding fee being payable by the family (in addition to the MOD CEA).

      Sibling discounts are also available for third and subsequent children of the same family in the school at the same time.

      Applications should be made to the Bursar in writing or by email on