St Edmund's

Music Scholarship | Year 12 | 16+

Music Scholarship | Year 12 | 16+

With its excellent pupil to staff ratio, St Edmund’s School can guarantee its Scholars the personal and professional attention that their talents deserve.

The highly prized title of ‘Scholar’ exemplifies pupils who contribute to the whole of school life but will take advantage of the many extension opportunities to develop their academic abilities. Our specialist, dedicated teachers nurture this enthusiasm, inspiring pupils to reach greater heights.

St Edmund’s School has an outstanding reputation for music and a well-equipped Music School.  As well as classrooms, practice and teaching rooms, the facilities also include a Recital Hall with a Steinway grand piano, a Recording Studio and a fully equipped Music Technology Suite. 

Music Scholars receive instrumental tuition in school, the cost of all or part of which may be covered by the Scholarship at the discretion of the Head on the recommendation of the Director of Music. Music Scholars are fully involved in the work of the school’s many ensembles, including Chapel and Chamber Choirs, Symphony Orchestra, String and Brass Ensembles and Big Band, and their instrumental progress is closely monitored throughout their time in the school. When a Music Scholar reaches a sufficiently high standard (equivalent to post Grade 8) the Director of Music may recommend occasional lessons with external specialist teachers, often at the Junior Conservatoires in London. Music Scholars participate in a rich programme of opportunity, including regular concert trips, both locally and to major concert venues in London.  

Candidates will not necessarily be expected to have passed any specific grade examination of the recognised boards although it is anticipated that the vast majority will have done so. The audition panel is specifically looking for musicianship, the potential to develop and mature musically and a technique that will facilitate this. Candidates are expected to play fluently at the following minimum standards on their main instrument:  

11+(for Year 7 entry) Grade 4 standard 

13+(for Year 9 entry) Grade 5 standard 

16+(for Year 12 entry) Grade 7 standard 

At audition, candidates will be required to play two pieces on their first instrument (not voice) and one on their second instrument. If a third instrument is offered, then this will also be heard and assessed.  

Candidates are encouraged to offer singing at audition, but this is not a prerequisite. In addition, candidates will be asked to sight-read on their main instrument, complete aural tests appropriate to their highest level of performance and have an interview in which they will be encouraged to talk about their own music making, musical tastes and aspirations. 



Assessments will take place the week commencing Monday 20 January 2025

Closing date for entries: Friday 3 January 2025



Music Scholarship Awards are open to candidates at 11+, 13+ and 16+ (for entry into years 7,9 and 12 respectively).  A Choral Exhibition is open to candidates at 13+ and 16+ only.  All external candidates will be expected to sit the appropriate academic entrance tests. 

The auditions and interviews will take place the week commencing Monday 20 January 2025 for 11+, 13+ and 16+.   

Prospective candidates at 11+, 13+ and 16+ are strongly recommended to make an earlier appointment with the Director of Music for an informal discussion and a pre-audition prior to their application, and to meet key members of the Music School staff.  

Candidates are encouraged to send original compositions at the time of entry if they so wish.  

The Head Teacher of the candidate’s present school will be asked to provide a report on the candidate’s general progress and academic ability, as well as musical ability. Reports from the candidate’s Music teachers are also required and should accompany the application form. 

Where applicable, the Director of Music will need to see examination mark-sheets as evidence of attainment.  

Entries should be submitted by Friday 3 January 2025. Late entries may not be accepted.  

A timetable for the examination will be issued to all candidates.  



Essential Desirable
Candidates are expected to be of Grade V standard on an orchestral instrument at age 13 and Grade VII at age 16. They must also offer a second instrument at audition. An ability to sight-read music fluently using conventional staff notation is important.
Candidates are expected to participate in weekly school ensembles and perform regularly in school concerts. The ability to sing in one of the schools choral groups is recognised and a desirable attribute.
A regular practice regime is expected in order to substantiate progress, particularly on the candidates first instrument. Scholarship pieces should be contrasting and show a breadth of musical qualities i.e. tempo, tone
Candidates are expected to take part in regular workshops on their main instrument. Evidence of performing regularly.


Scholarship Examinations, scheduled for w/c Monday 20 January 2025, will take place at St Edmund’s School. Lunch will be provided for candidates.


Awards of varying value, offset against the tuition fees for both day and boarding pupils, are awarded in the categories of Academic, Art, Drama, Music and Sport. Where fees are still prohibitively expensive, annually means-tested bursaries can be awarded to supplement a scholarship.


Dates for other Scholarships 2024

Junior School Awards Closing Date for Applications Assessment/Exam
Academic at 11+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Drama at 11+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Music at 11 + Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Sport at 11+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025


Senior School Awards Closing Date for Applications Assessment/Exam
Academic at 13+ and 16+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Art at 13+ and 16+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Drama at 13+ and 16+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Music* at 13+ and 16+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025
Sport at 13+ and 16+ Fri 3 January 2025 Week commencing Mon 20 January 2025

* including 13+ and 16+ Choral Exhibition auditions

Bursaries & other fee remissions

Originally founded to provide a free education for the fatherless sons of the clergy of the Church of England and the Church in Wales, St Edmund’s now accepts applications from sons and daughters of the clergy, to whom a 25% discount is offered.

A discount of 25% may be offered to employees of the Dean & Chapter at Canterbury Cathedral.

Bursaries are granted on a means-tested basis to existing St Edmund’s families who experience hardship, and there is a limited means-tested bursary provision for families who are new to St Edmund’s.

Children of former pupils may be entitled to a tuition fee concession up to a maximum of 10% . If other remissions (eg scholarship award, bursary), equate to 10% or more then no further discount will be awarded.

Members of the Armed Forces receive a remission resulting in 10% of the boarding fee being payable by the family (in addition to the MOD CEA).

Sibling discounts are also available for third and subsequent children of the same family in the school at the same time.

Applications should be made to the Bursar in writing or by email on