St Edmund's

Academic life

Academic life

“What if….”

At the heart of our educational philosophy is a sharing of the joy of learning which, along with our insistence on ambition, helps to make our pupils the very best they can be: creative, active learners well equipped to shape their futures and those of others.

The curriculum is broad and sufficiently flexible to give all the opportunity to excel. We aim to provide an environment where students are empowered to ask bigger questions and find better answers. Our approach to learning pushes pupils to be curious – to learn to solve problems, develop new perspectives and, through creativity, to influence how others think, feel and live their lives.

Within our examined curriculum we provide stimulation, structure and support in order to prepare our pupils for all aspects of public examinations. Success in public examinations is key to pupils’ futures and is the crucial educational aim. Co-curricular courses, including project work and other forms of academic enrichment, form another important strand. At St Edmund’s we teach beyond the prescribed curriculum, thereby broadening the intellectual horizons of our pupils.

Curriculum content is developed and delivered by subject specialist staff whose imaginative approaches to teaching and learning ensure that they capture the imagination of every pupil, and inspire them to want to know more. We strive for continuous improvement, not instant perfection, and we play close attention to how each pupil learns.

Ms Anya Bensberg, Deputy Head (Educational Development)


GCSE Results 2023


Overall Pass Rate (Grades 9-4)


Of GCSE passed (9-8)


Of GCSE passed (9-7)


Of GCSE passed (9-6)