St Edmund's
We are delighted that you have shown an interest in St Edmund’s School. We are excited by what we do, and hope that our website has given you a flavour of it – not just in terms of our facilities, curriculum and other activities, but also our educational, social and pastoral ethos.
We work to inspire, and to find the best in, every child – and we are confident in our ability to do this. There are six key entry points to St Edmund’s School Canterbury – Nursery, Reception, Year 3, Year 7, Lower Fifth (Year 9) and Lower Sixth (Year 12). However, pupils are also admitted into other year groups where places are available.
Click here to read the full Admissions Journey.

Our Head of Admissions, Andrea Strong, will be pleased to hear from you if you wish to discuss an application for a place, or have any questions about the admissions process.
Phone: + 44 (0) 1227 475601
Email: admissions@stedmunds.org.uk
Skype: admissionsstedmunds