St Edmund's
How to apply – International
St Edmund’s welcomes students from all over the world. Boarding places are available for boys and girls from age 10 (year 6).
Step 1 – Contact the school
Please contact the Admissions Office by email admissions@stedmunds.org.uk or telephone + 44 (0)1227 475601.
Step 2 – Registration
Parents are required to register their child/children by completing the online registration form here, together with a non-refundable £180 incl VAT registration fee. Each child’s name is then added to the provisional list for entry in the term indicated. A child cannot be assessed for entry and accepted without having first been registered.
Step 3 – Assessment
Ideally, the Head would wish to interview each child; however agents in the child’s country of origin may be instructed to do this on the school’s behalf. Alternatively, an on-line video interview can be arranged.
- For entry into Years 9 and 10, prospective pupils must sit an entrance exam in Maths and English.
- For entry into Year 12, prospective pupils must have achieved a minimum of 6 GCSE or IGCSE passes at grade C or grade 4 or above, together with minimum grade B or grade 5 (preferably grade 6) in their chosen A-level subjects.
- Overseas prospective pupils not sitting GCSEs or IGCSEs, are required to take entrance exams in each of their chosen A-level options.
- If English is not their first language, each prospective pupil is also required to sit an English exam.
- For applications to the Junior School, prospective pupils must sit entrance examinations in English and Maths.
Our policy is to apply the criteria in the Admissions Policy to all pupils and potential pupils regardless of any disability of which we are aware, subject to our obligation to make reasonable adjustments so as not to put any pupil at a substantial disadvantage when compared to others. Whilst we do not have a specialist unit, we accommodate children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN) as far as we are able.
Where pupils have a diagnosed additional need, a copy of the most current educational psychologist’s report is required. A meeting will usually be arranged with our own Head of Additional Needs in order to assess the level of support needed, and whether or not we are in a position to provide it.
Step 4 – Requesting reference and report
Parents are asked to provide copies of the two most recent school reports for each child.
Step 5 – Offer of a place
Assuming the assessment deems it suitable, a formal offer of a place is sent to parents along with the Parent’s Contract. Should they choose to take up the offer, parents respond by accepting the place in writing, completing the joining instructions and paying a non-refundable deposit (100% of one term’s fees). The first term’s fees are due on the first day of term.
Step 6 – Visa application
Pupils from outside the UK will require a visa prior to entering the UK and studying at the school. St Edmund’s is recognised by the UK Border Agency as a Highly Trusted Sponsor and can issue a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) to those pupils who are offered an unconditional place. Applications for a visa can be made at any British Embassy or High Commission. For those pupils who are already in the UK and wish to study at St Edmund’s, an application can be made in the country (either in person or by post).
As St Edmund’s has Highly Trusted Status, we can accept in-country applications whilst the application for a visa is pending with the UK Border Agency. Obtaining the CAS from the school is only one part of the visa application process, however. Pupils seeking a visa should ensure that they are aware of the visa requirements and are able to demonstrate that they have the required supporting documentation available for the school to see before the CAS is issued. There is a visa administration fee of £80.00.