St Edmund's
After School & Weekends
After lessons on weekdays, Junior School boarders are encouraged to take part in the extensive clubs and activities programme on offer to all junior pupils, before cooked supper and then supervised homework. Weekends can be a fruitful time too; there is a popular boarders’ activities programme every Saturday morning, at school or further afield.
Recent Saturday morning activities at school have included workshops in art and craft, pottery, drama, cookery, sport and a technology challenge. Activities beyond school have included ten pin bowling, a leisure pool swim, mountain biking, an adventurous walk, and visits to a dry ski slope, the cinema, and Leeds Castle grounds and maze.
On Saturday afternoons boarders can go shopping in Canterbury under age-appropriate supervision or relax at the boarding house before ‘movie night’ on Saturday evenings. On Sundays boarders can enjoy the school’s ample recreational facilities and take off-site trips, with recent examples include sea fishing, archery, canoeing, and fun on the beach.

For Senior boarders weekends brings a different flavour to the boarding adventure at St Edmund’s. The Saturday enrichment programme adds another layer of development with choices such as International Cuisine, Mindfulness, Music, Sport, Study and a whole host of other topics.

In addition, there is always at least one trip or activity every weekend, whether it be a day trip to London, punting along the river, watching the Royal Shakespeare Company perform, castle climbing at the UK’s largest climbing centre, or discovering film making magic at Harry Potter World – just a few of the excursions our boarders have recently enjoyed.