St Edmund's
The co-curricular programme encompasses a rich and diverse range of opportunities that supports academic life at St Edmund’s. It is our belief that children should not only receive a high-quality education inside the classroom but should also have opportunities to develop the intra and inter-personal skills to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Amongst these, we believe, are
- intellectual flexibility
- emotional intelligence
- team working
- creativity
- problem solving
Our young people enjoy opportunities to enhance their school days with variety and discovery. These include:
- membership of a House
- the opportunity to take part in a range of clubs, activities and societies
- leadership opportunities including Prefects and School Councillors
- school sport
- access to our Forest School and Outdoor Education facilities
- opportunities in the creative arts
- community opportunities
St Edmund’s Junior School provide an exceptional choice of clubs and activities for the pupils to choose from. These are available to children across all age groups.
Details of all the Clubs including timings can be found here.
School Council
The School Council is a leadership opportunity for pupils in Years 3 to 8. Each Form is represented by elected members who meet regularly to discuss school matters. Recently the School Council has discussed the school’s environmental approach, school values and Fairtrade. Each member of our school community is welcome to contact their School Council representative, who will take their comments to the next school council meeting. Members of the School Council also meet with our Head Teacher, Mr Comfort, who is always keen to hear the thoughts and opinions of pupils.