St Edmund's
learning enhancement
Albert Einstein said “Play is the highest form of research” and within our Early Years Foundation Stage (Ladybirds and Honeybees) we embrace this wholeheartedly. In the Nursery the children are making secure attachments and play is how they:
- develop a sense of self
- make new friendships
- explore the world around them
- have confidence to take on challenges and take risks
- learn new skills
- share feelings
- have high self esteem
- be trusting and happy
As they move through Year R to KS1 (Crickets and Dragonflies) their research and learning is extended, challenged, stretched and nurtured through exciting and engaging lessons. We believe the journey is as important as the outcome.
“Be all you can be” can only be achieved if this Hierarchy of Needs is in place first. In the Pre-Prep we support families with the transition from toddler to pupil and many other areas of pastoral care. Early Identification of difficulties is key to ensuring appropriate provision is put in place and we will take you through the process step-by-step.
Within the Nursery (only) we are able to involve the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service, and apply for some funding to enable additional support for your child, if appropriate.
We successfully engage with outside professionals and ensure there is a ‘Team Around the Child’ working together cohesively. All of this is managed by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo).
Typical support that can be offered in the Pre-Prep includes:
- Transparency in our observations of pupils
- Regular communication with parents
- Regular reviews with SENCo and Teacher, as needed
- Team Around the Child (TAC) Meetings, when appropriate
- Differentiated teaching and learning
- TA support within the classroom, when needed
- Literacy: phonics, sensory phonics, reading, spelling, handwriting, sequencing
- Maths
- Wellbeing
- Developing Social Communication Skills
- Sensory Processing Activities and Resources
- Speech & Language (guided by Therapist)
- Occupational Therapy Strategies (guided by Therapist)
Pupils who have English as an Additional Language (EAL) are also supported and monitored. We have access to a Specialised EAL Teacher who can provide some sessions with individuals or groups of children to support their acquisition of the English language. We also celebrate their language and the depth of cultural diversity within our school, reminding the children that everyone smiles in the same language.