St Edmund's

Exam Results

Public Exam Results

A-Level Results 2023

Pupils at St Edmund’s School, Canterbury are today celebrating an impressive set of A-Level results. Exam boards have made it clear that this year grading standards have returned to pre-pandemic levels. Results for 2023 are therefore expected to be comparable with those of 2019, with some minor adjustments made to protect pupils from the disruption they have experienced.

We are pleased to report that the overall pass rate this year was 99% (2019 = 98%, 2022 = 99%).  The percentage of A* and A grades was 26% (2019 = 27%).

The number of A*-B grades was 53% (2019 = 56%).

Most importantly, our students now go on to the next stage of their academic careers at leading institutions. Today our departing Upper Sixth have confirmed places at a range of Russell Group and other elite universities including Imperial College London, King’s College London, Exeter, Bath, Warwick, York, Royal Holloway and Sheffield among others.

Our Head, Mr Edward O’Connor said:

“I am immensely proud of this cohort of St Edmund’s students. Despite the pandemic disruption to their GCSEs and the necessary national adjustment in grading standards this year, they have gone on to achieve an outstanding set of results. They now progress to an selection of excellent universities with the academic grades and personal qualities to forge successful future careers as motivated, socially responsible individuals.  As always, my thanks go to our wonderful teaching staff who continue to inspire and support our pupils and to Mr Symaka and his Sixth Form team for the invaluable advice they provide during the UCAS process.”

GCSE Results 2023

We are immensely proud of the St Edmund’s GCSE class of 2023 who today receive their GCSE results.

The year group has performed strongly and (according to our expectations) with an 88% overall pass rate (Grades 9-4) and some exceptional individual performances. Indeed, a number of pupils achieved multiple grade 9s.

Exam boards have made it clear that this year grading standards have returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Results for 2023 are therefore expected to be comparable with those of 2019, with some minor adjustments made to protect pupils from the disruption they have experienced.  In terms of grades achieved at 8-9, our 2023 pupils beat the 2019 performance with 19% (18%: 2019) and matched 2019 in terms of grades 7-9 (35%).

Head of St Edmund’s, Edward O’Connor said: “This year group experienced learning disruption through the COVID lockdown. During that period were supported by the school’s remote learning programme and eventually returned to study in the “bubble” system.   Today’s results demonstrate they have dealt with these challenges (and the much publicised national grading adjustment in summer 2023) with great resilience and application.  I am proud of them all and also recognise the superb work of our outstanding teaching, pastoral and support staff who provide such a positive learning ethos, a caring school culture and an inspiring study environment.”

Our students now look to develop this positive momentum as they progress to Sixth Form study.

James who achieved nine Grade 9s and a Grade 8 said:

“I am so pleased with my results and really appreciate all the help and support the school has given me”.

Valerie got A, A, B plus an A* EPQ and will be studying Law at Warwick University
Director of Music
Spencer Payne
Deputy Head of Senior Sport & Head of Girls' Games
Rebecca Lea
Head of School House
Dominique Masters
Chemistry Teacher
Joseph Tebbs-Warner