St Edmund's
Learning Enhancement department
St Edmund’s School aims to enrich and extend the learning of all pupils in accordance with the SEND code of practice and JCQ legislation.
The Learning Enhancement Department reflects the ethos of the school in its care for individual pupils. The Department is a highly trained, dedicated, friendly and caring team of specialists who work closely with subject teachers. We provide a learning environment and structure that supports the abilities of each individual pupil, encouraging their strengths or areas of interest and supporting any specific learning needs.
An enhanced learning profile is created for every pupil that joins us. When necessary, pupils are assessed and our specialist team puts support into place. We identify pupils with learning needs at an early stage and support them in a way that builds their confidence and self-esteem. With the right intervention at the right time, we know that all pupils can enjoy the rigours of academic life.
We provide support to pupils over and above that which is provided on a day-to-day basis in the classroom by the teacher. The need for support may arise from a learning difficulty and/or disability, from academic under-achievement, or from literacy, numeracy, attentional, language or emotional support requirements.
We use a graduated approach using the four-part cycle: assess, plan, do and review. This involves carefully identifying a pupil’s needs and working with pupils, parents and staff. We then monitor the effectiveness and impact of support.
We offer
· Small group or 1:1 English skills
· Small group or 1:1 maths skills
· Small group or 1:1 study skills
· Organisation Club
· Social skills
· Mentoring
· Study skills workshops
· Screening tests and Access Arrangements (AA) assessments
· Access to specific adapted materials and equipment
Able, Gifted and Talented
St Edmund’s School has extensive provision for Able, Gifted and Talented (AGT). This begins with identification. The status and profile of all AGT pupils is shared with staff, pupils and their parents. This forms the beginning of an ongoing, supportive dialogue between parents, pupil and school.
We firmly believe that challenge is the driving force of teaching. Only by giving pupils plenty of opportunities to stretch, challenge and express themselves will we be able to fuel an appetite for knowledge or inspire deeper study.
Many varied learning opportunities are available for AGT through our academic enrichment and co-curricular programmes. The progress of our AGT pupils and cohorts is monitored closely, including at termly pupil progress meetings.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for making my A-level experience and exams enjoyable and something to look forward to (which I never thought I’d say!) I definitely do not think I would have done so well or been so happy to show up if it wasn’t for your relaxed and calm nature about my exams. You really helped me and supported me with your help, advice and confidence in me. You are leagues beyond any other special needs help department I’ve been involved with! I will definitely miss all the encouragement at university. Upper 6th pupil
Teacher Profiles
Mr Simon Gulliford
Mr Simon Gulliford
Head of Learning Enhancement
Simon has been teaching in Kent schools for the past 25 years. He has experience of working in mainstream, selective and special education between the age ranges of 11-18 years old. Primarily trained as a History teacher at St Luke’s College in Exeter, Simon trained to be a SENCO in 2012, and has taught numerous subjects to GCSE, A-Level and IB. He has run subject departments and had responsibilities such as teacher in charge of a special education provision, safeguarding lead, mental health first aider and ProAct Scipr UK instructor.
He is pleased to be working at St Edmund’s and hopes to apply his experience to the LE department securing best outcomes for students.