St Edmund's

Art, Ceramics & Photography

Art, Ceramics & Photography

We strongly believe that art is for everyone. Our teaching empowers learners to explore, question, and make as they develop their own means of expression.



Every student is challenged to develop specific creative behaviours and habits that encourage confident, independent learning. Imaginative and inquisitive ideas are actively supported with emphasis on the importance that trial and error has on positive creative development.


In everyday life we are surrounded by a sea of visual information. We champion an intellectual pursuit of how images can be read. Visual literacy skills develop as images are analysed critically and conceptually. Students become familiar with a diverse range of artists, craftspeople and designers from contemporary, modern and historical contexts: highlighting the breadth of potential approaches. 


Students engage with a variety of media and materials through practical experience. Tacit learning fosters discipline and persistence as techniques are selected, honed, and refined.

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Our staff are practising specialists in Art across a range of 2D and 3D disciplines that include Fine Art, Photography, Ceramics and Digital media. We lead by example in sharing our own insights and passions, careful to offer guidance and suggestions rather than answers, prompting pupils to find their own way.    


Alumni profile

Alumni profile
