St Edmund's
Given the increase in popularity of all things culinary, we are pleased to give our students the opportunity to take their interest in food and cookery to another level.
St Edmund’s is one of the few schools in Kent to partner with Leiths School of Food and Wine, a leading UK cookery school that has shown cooks and aspiring professionals how to be a success in the kitchen since 1975.
At GCSE, our Food and Nutrition course focuses on modern and traditional cuisine, and encourages creativity in cooking and strong presentation. Pupils also develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials.
The Sixth Form Leiths course is a qualification that provides the skills to be a competent chef, enabling students to cook for any occasion and any number of people. Besides cooking, pupils benefit from a weekly theory lesson and spend time with a Master of Wine.
For those who wish to take their interest further, progression routes include the Leiths Introductory Certificate of Food and Wine; degree and diploma-level study at university; and careers in catering and hospitality, retail, nutrition, product design and manufacturing, and food technology and science.