Academic life
In the Sixth Form, we encourage students to develop intellectual autonomy and creativity through discussion and problem solving, without ever losing our focus on examination success.
Our approach is based upon:
- A broad curriculum with 24 subjects available
- Small A Level Groups: on average we have 8-10 pupils in most Sixth Form classes
- Subject expert, compassionate teachers
- A super-curricular programme to develop deep thinking skills
- A variety of educational visits to enrich learning and stimulate the imagination
- New Sixth Form only work rooms
- Enrichment opportunities through the Extended Project Qualification and Durrell Essay Awards
- Preparation for independent learning at university

Each pupil has a personal tutor, and small class sizes mean that lessons are more like university tutorials. Pupils dissect complex concepts and initiate debates informed by their own independent research, and the relationship with the teacher shifts as this becomes central to their learning. However, we continue to monitor academic progress closely and guide and support pupils as required.