St Edmund's
The overall trend of the House Singing Competition is that it feels better and better every year. The four houses clearly performed with great energy and much enthusiasm was evident throughout. After four morning rehearsals, Baker, Wagner, Warneford and Watson were ready to present their Disco Songs from the 1970s and 80s. This required teamwork, cooperation, the ability to work at a fast pace and resourcefulness to bring the songs up to a performable standard in such a short space of time.
Our adjudicator, Ciara Considine, gave meaningful and nicely balanced feedback to the performers. Whilst waiting for a decision to be made, two ensemble performances were beautifully executed: Seasons of Love from Baker House and Interstellar from Wagner House. Ultimately, there has to be a winner and Wagner’s performance of ‘Celebration’ took first place! Thanks go to all the performers, staff and band for making this happen in such a short space of time!
Results for the House Singing Competition:
- Wagner – Celebration (Kool and the Gang) – 21/25
- Baker – Blame it on the boogie (The Jacksons) – 20/25
- Warneford – We are family (Sister Sledge) – 17/25
- Watson – I will survive (Gloria Gaynor) – 17/25