St Edmund's
“It has been these kinds of activities that we have all missed so much in the past two years. It was only last night I fully appreciated just how much of a hole in school life had been created. These productions may not directly impact hard metrics like exam results but they do something far more important but less tangible. They create the very culture of the school – building connections across year groups and houses and make the children feel like they belong to something special. It even made me wish I’d gone to a school like St Ed’s.”
St Edmund’s Parent
Eh bien! If you were not Our Guest at one of the five performances of Beauty and the Beast then you missed out on something very special.
When Mr Sell announced that the Drama department was back ‘with a vengeance’ after the necessary constraints and restrictions imposed by the pandemic he was not kidding. Quelle surprise! A cast of 86, a collection of over 200 costumes and a unique script, penned on the kitchen table by our exceptionally talented Howard Sykes. That is not doing things by halves.
Click here to read the full review.