St Edmund's

Cambridge Trip
On Friday, seven pupils from Years 11 & 13 visited Cambridge University with our Head Mr O’Connor and Deputy Head (Educational Development) Mrs Bensberg.
The trip was designed to provide an introduction to life at this world leading academic institution, learn something of its extraordinary history and also to help students start framing their own thoughts about college and degree choices.
The team visited seven colleges King’s, Pembroke, Corpus Christi, Queens, Christ’s, Trinity and Peterhouse (where Mr O’Connor read History). They admired the beautiful architecture and gardens and learned about the different traditions and reputations of each college. It was a particular treat to see inside the spectacular King’s College Chapel – a historic centre of choral excellence which was inspirational for the former Cathedral choristers in our party. We also saw the University Library and The Backs.
Our sincere thanks go to the colleges for their hospitality.