St Edmund's
Thoughts from the Director of Drama
Well, what a trip that was! I cannot tell you how much I am bursting with pride right now. The St Ed’s family was more than I ever dreamed it would be. It exceeded my expectations at every turn and I am extremely grateful to the kids’ families for allowing their children to join me on a trip that I know has been life changing – for us all. The experiences we shared, that you may have been following on our blog, have been so academically enriching and life affirming, stretching and challenging us all – whether it was rafting up a river in the mountains, learning to Jewish dance, cook traditional Polish food or, of course, learning about the horrors of the Holocaust. I am indebted to the Head for allowing me to lead this trip (and delighted he joined us for the latter part), to my wonderful Drama department colleagues, Howard Sykes, Tor Lorentzen, Tam Walker-Reid, Ellie Walker-Reid, Jayden Lewis, Aimee Walker-Reid (Remember’s movement coach), our terrific Drama Assistant, who organised practically the whole thing, Olivia Harris-Harding and honorary Drama Family member for the week, Dr. Rowcroft – they have given up a week of the holidays to support me every step of the way – thank you everyone. I would also like to thank, wholeheartedly, our host school in Krakow – Prywatna Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi nr 2 im. Noblistów Polskich – who have been tremendous and went above and beyond to organise things over there so expertly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But most of all I want to thank our kids. You meant so much to us before we went to Poland but now you mean the world!
Thank you!